Tuesday, October 4, 2016

BSA206, rough example of talk, 4 October, 2016

Introduction (like an essay, brief overview of their work and what else you're going to talk about)
Body of work (with photos), pick out main ones that have influenced you
Influences on Director's Work (with quotes from director.  Interviews and books others have written are good sources) show photos of his influences and discuss what interested him.  Make comparison.
Director's influence on my work
influence #1 with quote and pics from their work
influence #2
influence #3
all with quotes from them about why they use that.
bring in pics or clips from your own work
Successfulness of incorporating their ideas into your own work (show clips or photos or your own work)
Conclusion- brief overview
influences on their work
Three aspects that influenced my work with comparisons
Reference slide that connects to what was discussed, APA reference method
Any Questions?

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