Tuesday, October 18, 2016

BSA228, setting the scene, 17-18 October, 2016

I've been worked on assets all weekend and made more Monday night.  I've been decorating the game world for two days now.  Nothing has gone in with LODs, in spite of a half-hearted at making them, because I question their necessity.  When you leave the room, you wouldn't see anything, anyway, so why should there be any level of detail? Rachel says not everything needs it anyway, and LOD can also be loaded in within Unity.
 View from the garden, looking up at the house.  This is a view only I as the programmer will see.  The player will see from the just behind Lulu and probably wouldn't go this low?
Decorating the house.  Very exciting!  Sooooo many props to load in and place, and there are still more to make.  

 Shiny windows were added by selecting the window faces and changing the material to a highly reflective blinn and monkeying with the transparency settings.  Making them black and setting up a black plane inside the window makes it look both transparent and like a dark room is inside.

Rachel put the blue glow in- I think it was for moody moonlight, but it looks quite good coming from the ornamental pond.  

Aerial view of the world.  The roof doesn't fit the building, and doesn't need to because we won't see it in the game.  The house needed to be expanded at the back to accomodate the weird alcoves that come off the doors.  I added prefab trees in Unity .  They'll never be seen but will fill in the skyline above the maze and will make the place look wilder.

Aerial view lavender maze

Aerial view jasmine maze

View from the corridor towards the front door

The dressed front of the house.  

The skybox is currently set on day.  It will be a moonlit scene once the set dressing is finsihed.  

Overhead shot of the 2/3 empty shell of the house and the foyer.  Do I need to put a ceiling on the inside of the foyer?  Probably.  

The table is empty.  It will have a silver tray with calling cards to alphabetize, a clock to set the play time, and a bell to ring the Butler on completion.  I'd like to hide the Gilmour House girls' drawings in here somewhere, but where?

From the center vantage point: The parlour door and the staircases.  

View towards the kitchen door and the portraits on the wall.  Lady Greigh's glasses will be "hidden" in the coat on the coat rack

View towards the inside of the front door.  The mirror needs a reflection shader, which Reuben suggested could be somewhere in Unity already.  I'd buy one if it was cheap enough.

The door to the Conservatory and shrubbery.  

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