Monday, October 31, 2016

BSA228, Mood lighting, 1 November, 2016

Lulu and the talking topiary

quite by accident, there appears to be a second facial toiary in the garden.

Lulu considers which maze she's going to explore first
Lulu in the lavender maze

At the front door with the door knockers that she found in the mazes.

pre-set skybox.  rotating the directional light around changes the position of the sun in the sky
Super moody!  a little backlight at the back is great to throw the castle into relief.

Lady Greigh's talking topiary is looking ominous

Greigh Gardens with the addition of a free downloadable skybox from the Unity store that Rachel showed me how to manipulate.  A layer of blue over a cloudy sky darkened it up enough to pass for sunset.  Then I added a harvest moon into the right background plate

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