I'm catching up with Storyboarding: Our assignment while I was gone was to go back and revise on shot types (not sure what this means)
Thumbnail out the first two scenes of the script, paying careful attention to the topics covered in the powerpoint presentations. (I've gone through the powerpoints and now I'm watching youtube videos on storyboarding. Very helpful.)
upload them onto blog for feedback and critique. (I'm aiming for Thursday so I can keep to the spirit of the original timeline my classmates worked under.)
Very lengthy and informative you tube tutorial on storyboarding that I stumbled upon. SpongeBob SquarePants features.
The tutorials and powerpoints on perspective have reminded me that most of my story involves buildings, so here is some preliminary research. The Arkell Museum has the kind of facade that I want: it's imposing, modern, and mostly glass. The metal struts look like the bars of a prison cell which is a great bonus. And the big sign up top! Love it. It would be flanked by 19th century buildings that would flow on to a mish mash of oldy-timey european buildings surrounding a small garden square. I'm going to look through my photos of Europe to select buildings that I can put together to create and everywhere and nowhere on earth kind of place.
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