Saturday, January 30, 2016

Summer research 2015/16, Women in Animation

Women in Animation  

Special Delivery
A Canadian greeting card artist,Eunice Macaulay went from seemingly nowhere to becoming the first female animator to win her own Academy Award for her film Special Delivery (1978). The short film, which was produced in part by Canada’s National Film Board, is a dark short full of dry humor about a mailman’s untimely death.

Summer research 2015/16, Title Sequences

Harry Potter 1-8

Tv show opening sequences

title design firm Abstract made the Game of Thrones opener

In-depth discussion of the titles to Bojack Horseman, which I really like, and talked about in a previous post.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Summer research 15/16, 26 January cats on bodies video

I can't get onto Facebook at home, and these are questions that must be answered:  would a cat trying to pull chicks at a bar really wear a bolo tie?  REALLY?  Were the video makers completely unaware of the racist connotations of casting a black man as a cat who's afraid of water?  REALLY?  The Guardian newspaper described the dancing as "sensual".  REALLY?  It's her back up dancer who is totally blowing my mind.

Friday, January 1, 2016

summer 2015/16 research, 1 January 2016, Video games, public domain, internships

Adam Ruins Everything: Why People Think Video Games are Just for Boys

Why Internships are Actually Illegal:

Why You Should Tell Your Co-Workers What You Earn:

How Mickey Mouse Destroyed the Public Domain

Anne Frank diary in copyright row