Wednesday, August 31, 2016

BSA227, Green screen day! 31 August, 2016

Green screen work!
visual fx data sheet
the effect happening in that real world shot: animators records info with film crew
element data sheet should be filled in as fully as possible.
it makes matching footage later easier
camera info, motion description, dutch: tilt, lens type, measure height of camera etc. so everything can be matched up later.
then, in green screen room, you can match everything that's been done with the camera
clean plate important
so things can be masked out.
reflector ball is broken, so never mind.
light ball polystyrene ball on  a stick, put in front of camera fir referebce,
animators can make sphere in maya with white lambert and try to match lighting in maya with the ball in the live shot
time of day sun angle, weather, what lights used:
 draw a lighting map or where sun coming from
all these things help in post production
four pages to fill out!

for today:
try to match green screen shot with what's happening in live shot

I can hear Parth in the background trying to arrange a test shot with an actor walking across the screen.  Good thinking, Parth!

We tried out the green screen and I got some instruction on how to set up lights from Kate, Johanna and Nicola, then Vaughn showed us how to set up the black magic camera.  Parth filmed Kate in front of the screen.  Now to try to integrate the footage with the alleyway shot.
I will go back to the lesson on green screening the lady in the room/castle for how to do this

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

BSA215, cover and polar bear art, 30 August, 2016

 When the cover is folded, the aurora borealis over the volcano will be on the back and the foreground polar bear and people will be on the back.
This Polar Bear charging.  To or from what: TBA

BSA206, Watership Down review, 30 August, 2016

Watership Down
research answers to the following...
Director and year made:  Martin Rosen 1978

source material film was based on
Book Watership Down by Richard Adams
This is a really good book. My dad read this to us, and I reread it as an adult, so my strongest memories are from the book.

what rating did the film receive?
Watership Down would be rated PG today says BBC
In the UK, the film was originally released with a U classification because it was considered "low in sex, violence, profanity etc."  But people, adult and child, have been complaining for 30 years about the "trauma of dead bunny rabbits".
How often have people complained about the rating?
Richard Adams, the author, wonders if he made the book too dark:
complaints to BBFC
We also regularly receive complaints about classification decisions made years, sometimes decades earlier. Watership Down was rated U for film in 1978 and for video in 1987 reflecting our classification system and standards at those times. There were a few complaints from parents at the time who felt the film was too upsetting for very young children. The category has not changed since then, and we continue to receive one or two complaints about the film each year (more when a new edition of the DVD is released) despite the widespread familiarity with it over the past 30 years.
Write your own review of the film and provide your own opinions in regards to the following...
what are the main themes?
Is the film suitable for children?
Would you recommend this film?
Lastly, BBC and Netflix are remaking Watership Down as a child friendly four part mini-series with toned down violence.  Do you think the story will work well in this format?

The main themes covered by Watership Down are freedom, oppressive government control, and persevering against all obstacles.  The rabbits flee from a complacent society when Man threatens to destroy them and encounter a variety of social/governmental constructs: the defeated, the enslaved, and finally, the oppressed police state.  Like George Orwell's Animal Farm, people seem to think that animal=adorable and movies about them should be tame.
I can't figure out why they're complaining when The Hobbit (1977) features ugly Hobbits and Gollum creeping around moaning about "The Precious".  Dear Lord- this is the Nightmare Factory, people.
It's an entirely suitable film for children- the right children, at the right time.  The right 5 year old is going to love the gore and the wrong 13 year old is going to complain about bad dreams until the end of time.  What can you do- everybody's different.  Parents can either risk it or actually do some research before they plop their kids down in front of the TV.  I don't believe in making filmmakers pay for it when parents aren't willing to supervise or talk to their kids about what they're watching.  I'd recommend the film as it's quite beautiful. But I did play Bridesmaids for a group of 11 year olds and Labyrinth to mixed results, so I'm not the one to ask.   I'm happy that they're going to remake the film because the longer format will give the story more room to breathe.  I'm not happy about this "dumbing down" of the story, or specifically, the violence in the story, because the struggle the rabbits go through is so emotionally satisfying and creates sympathy for them as characters.  I'll watch it when Netflix releases it.  

Saturday, August 27, 2016

BSA215, comic story and character proposal, 27 August, 2016

As a continuation of the story from last year, I'm adding in The Machine (aka Amelia Earhart), This Polar Bear, and The Librarian to McMurdo, MacIntosh and Pierce.

BSA215, face and pose practice, 25 July, 2016

This is the colour scheme from the last comic.

 librarian face and pose practice

BSA215, dynamic poses exercise, 1 August, 2016

Draw fully fleshed out figures in each of these poses:  Storytelling, Dynamic,  Display and Alluring

My drawing is very sketchy on these tablets, so the black lines aren't awesome, but I've discovered that I LOVE how it looks with the erased line work into the flat colour blocks.  I'm going to have a think about whether I continue with old style or try to use this new style.

BSA215, Comic Script, 27 August, 2016

from the "Save the Cat!" plot formula
Cover  Title? Dead End V?
inside cover:  Traci Meek bio
Set-up:  brief synopsis of last comic,
.  M3 floating in the Tides of Time (blue goo bath) and thinking about... everything.
I remember everything when I'm in the bath.
I'm old.  I'm tired.  I'm waiting to die.  Everyone I've ever known is dead.  I've outlived them all.  I can feel the atoms that I'm made of knitting back together.  I'm looking out through (there needs to be an allegory that leads from her extreme old age, rejuvenation, to mission purpose)
The Broken Window (panel  and title)  M3s reverie is broken by Chronohub 7s Section"Agent MacIntosh... Agent Macintosh?" 
McMurdo: Is she OK? 
M3: Yes. Yes... I am...Here.
WSP: A side effect of the Tides of Time*.
Being everywhen at once gives even the most seasoned chrono agent pause to reflect.
M3: I'm fine.
Let's put that famous way with words of yours to better use.
Exposition with dynamic poses!
Chief William S. Pierce's synopsis of the last comic.

Catalyst  William S. Pierce outlines the machine's mischief
We found the genome of the residents had been tinkered with 300 generations ago.  It's been a long game, which has made it hard to trade.  What government,domestic or foreign, what power or person could be responsible for this?   The Machine is at the heart of this. 
The city was full of people and should have gone one for another thousand years, but something happened... the people became listless and unresponsive.  They didn't kill themselves, they just became so passive they stopped breeding, or caring and died of ennui.  Their population was diminishing, so they attempted to bring in migrants but also tried to control the flow with their robot workers (made by Ikea). like any good Ikea product, they were capable of being repurposed.  The robots tried to simultaneously obey their directives of hospitality and border enforcement.  Unfortunately, this led to the meatball processing plants...
To incorporate: is McMurdo eating to make up for lost time/no meatballs?
Dinner theatre
McMurdo "eats" the nanites.  No needs for shots.  ChronoHub7 is just as ruthless and arrogant as The Machine.
M3: you're lucky (you got food).  His mission briefings are usually four hours of him talking to a skull.
Human emotions! So fascinating, so diverse, so turbulent and uncontrollable.
Apathy is the preferred emotional state from the government/corporate perspective.
An empty city.  Ennui killed them all.  it took generations.
(Shakespeare up that language)

* The Reconstitution Bath that brought M3's dust? back together in the first comic.
McM: Bio Terrorism?
M3: in a sense, yes.
McM: a dirty bomb set off in the city center?
M3: No.  
The Machine is playing a long game. The genome of those  people was altered to encourage passivity.  I thought had happened here (this Icelandic volcano eruption)
M3: Here.
M3 in Das Kapital trying to follow particles back to volcano? Back in time to adulteration point?   

Debate  how and who should go
McMurdo has been drafted.  He is a geo-ambulator.  What does this mean?  Why is he important?  What is M3s position on this?  Why was she trying to get to The Machine by herself through 2099?
M3: and THEN.  
McM: How can that be?

Act Two Plot Point M3 has lost a partner, geoambulator Amelia Earhart (A. Hart?), in the past and she doesn't want to take McMurdo any further.  Pierce overrules her objections and gets McMurdo another beer to go with his meal.   McMurdo is sent for further testing, updates and a medical to:
B Story The Librarian
The Librarian looks like a japanese vampire/James Dean wanna-be.  His longevity comes from literary infamy and piggybacks on popular culture trends( everybody thinking about him keeps him going).  He's full of crap and his stories reflect that: dinner with the president, Abraham Lincoln, and his mistress Marilyn Monroe.  Flying with navigator Winston Churchill into the Battle of the Bugles (corn chips).  "Hey!  I was THERE.  I KNOW.  M3 picks McMurdo up after he's gotten a nanite injection.  The Librarian accused M3 of a side project: seeding the redhead gene throughout the world's population in time and space.  She has no patience for The Librarian and reminds him that he's "from  Iowa.  I was THERE.  I KNOW."
panels of him on top of book shelves, close up of eyes, jumping down, floating over floor, full-lenghth
Librarian:  Your blood, McMurdo... it... sings... for me.
M3: Theatrics aside, Junko(?) Dean here is from Little Tokyo, Dubuque, IOWA.
Librarian:  WHO TOLD??!??
M3:  Give the young man a break.  It's been a big day for him.  
Librarian grudgingly checks his vitals with a doohickey, complains that nobody takes him seriously.
Librarian:  Did I ever tell you about the time I had dinner with the president and his mistress, Marilyn Monroe?
M3:  YES.  (to McMurdo) Let's go.
Librarian:  "Mr. Lincoln, I said, ABE Baby, don't go to the theatre tonight... stay home and surf the internet... P7 and P8 
Fun and Games M3 and McMurdo begin their trek overland through her homeland towards the North Pole.  M3 doesn't enjoy the time tunnel through the Arctic.  Past memories keep swirling around her and it makes her sad/angry/regretful.  McMurdo has to keep her balanced.  Macintyre and McMurdo follow the Aurora borealis (which looks at times like a DNA strand) North to the pole where The Machine is pumping out the retrovirus into the atmosphere.  They run across something which frightens McMurdo- a caribou or a baby seal.  He shrieks like he's seen a spider.  Something, a shadowy figure, is following the two as they walk through the snow.   

Midpoint  M3 and McMurdo try to sneak up on The Machine’s camp but are blocked by the polar bear that has been stalking them, an animal that McMurdo considers to be almost  mythical, but in the past that they’re operating in is very much alive.  “No, it can’t be!  You’re… DEAD!”  
 polar bear standing enraged over Agent M3 and McMurdo.

Bad Guys Close In  Armed Men smoking cigarettes appear from nowhere.   They have been sent by The Machine to bring the chrono agents in.  The Machine has used a pacifying agent, like the one used on mcMurdo in the first comic, to get them to see what they think they should kill.  A state trooper sees a fleeing fugitive, a fisherman sees a baby harp seal to club, an Inuit sees THREE polar bears, etc.  They turn their rifles on the polar bear.  McMurdo screams “NO!” and jumps in front of the bear.  He explains that he couldn’t let an animal that he had only read about in books, like a unicorn, die.  Gut shot, he collapses into a snowdrift.   The polar bear falls dead nearby. 
P11  and P12
All is Lost M3 is shot Their would-be saviours are men enthralled by The Machine.  They truss M3 up and drag her off.  Amelia Earhart, M3s old and not dead partner, is The Machine. 
AH quotes: Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done. 
The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune.  My job, no thanks to you, was being missing.  It's kept me alive in the minds of the world  until I could rejuvenate.  
There is so much that must be done in a civilized barbarism like war.

Dark Night of the Soul: A rogue agent from The Agency, she resents their leaving her on that island in the Pacific to be “discovered by history”.  Earhart was lost trying to Geo-ambulate without a Tempus agent.  Her attempt to circumnavigate the globe was a dry run for spreading the retrovirus by means of “crop dusting”.   Earhart has reprogrammed her nanites to be retroviruses.  Her followers will kill her and burn her body in an erupting volcano, releasing the ashes into the atmosphere, infecting the population. 
M3: but you'll die!
Machine: and I'll be reborn, again and a million times, again!
Machine:  You're part of this now, partner!  You always have been and youalways will be.  
She squeezes M3s bleeding arm into the volcano.  
There!  Your little Pet Project:  The redhead gene.  You  were always so timid.  Now 50 percent of the world's population has it!  
 M3 and Amelia Earhart trade barbs and argue over independence as the dirty bomb ticks down to release.  They had previously been Time and Space agents together and M3 had bailed when she realised what Earhart was up to.  

P14 and P15
Act Three Plot Point:  McMurdo is alive!  (And 20 years older.)  And so is the polar bear.  And they’re pissed!  The shots at the Chronohub have done their work: the freezing temperatures put McMurdo into a suspended status until the automaton’s could fix him up.  He and the bear collapsed in a heap and the automatons in the blood on the ground went searching for the nearest biological signature, which in many cases, was the polar bear.    
 Polar bear and McMurdo save M3.  The Machine falls into a crevasse on an ice cap.      
Finale:   M3 looks out at the same futuristic cityscape from the opening.  Instead of the ice cold disintegrating buildings of the beginning, she sees a metropolis teeming with life.  The rays of the sunrise of 2099 fall across her and McMurdo’s faces. 
Shakespeare quotes about time
I wasted Time, now Time doth waste me.
If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me.
Is there no respect of place, persons, nor time in you?
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant enver taste of death but once.
One man in his time plays many parts.
Expectation is the root of all heartache.
Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.
There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so
Away, and mock the time with fairest show; false face must hide what the false heart doth know.
The time is out of joint: O cursed sprite, that ever I was born to set it right!
?My soul is in the sky.?
A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.
Go wisely and slowly.  Those who rush stumble and fall.
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves
To say the truth, reason and love keep little company together now-a-days.


BSA228, Level One build, 27 August, 2016

 I'm getting reacquainted with Maya again after 8? weeks off.  Couldn't remember basic stuff, like how to show textures. Fortunately, Lenar was around and he remembered: 6.  I flattened a cylinder into an octagon and repeated the shape for the outside of the hall, garden and two mazes.  Then I extruded the mazes and played around making textures out of my concept art in photoshop.  I was able to successfuly texture the lavender and jasmine mazes outer ring, but the inner hedges are going to need checkerboard work: they're really stretched out.  I'll take them into Mudbox to push and prod the slick walls into bumpy, overgrown surfaces that are enhanced by the textures I've created.  Same with the floor.  I'm trying to do the basic shapes in Maya and then the sculptor-friendly tools in mudbox.  It will be a multi-software effort to make this game!

The view down the "hedge corridor" from the garden towards the house.  I re-used the bricks I made for my Art2Art 2D animation last year.The stretching is not part of the corridor, like I had thought, but a problem with the texture of the hedges and the UV map.  Not sure how to fix that at this time.

  I've made some basic shapes of the topiary in the front hall that I will take into mudbox and rough up/paint there.
I'd like to spend the rest of the weekend working on these pieces, but I've been reminded that our comics class wants to see some progress.  I need to bust out some pencilled frames, maybe several pages worth, to show Michael on Monday.  Better to do it as I go, rather than push it off to the last minute, I guess.

Friday, August 26, 2016

BSA227, animation in live action reference, 26 August, 2016

Zoom trailer
A film to watch out for because it blends animation with live action.  But at the same time?   Or separately?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

BSA227, Doug Explodes! 24 August, 2016

footless Doug, mask #2
Import all of the doug stuff from the Y drive onto your folder in D drive.  import into after effects.  Drag and drop Douglas movie comp onto lower left hand area to set composition size.  select, CTRL D to make a copy.  Mask off legs from mid-calf down with the pen tool, being careful to select the reflection in the floor but select out some of the shadows he's putting off.  Then comes layer and time and time freezing, but I don't remember when.  And there is also layer and pre-compose and menus giving you the options of saving things in new and old compositions and I don't remember when that happens, either!  So it all gets very jumbly.  Then you CTRL D Douglas again and mask off his body from the ankles on up.  That part will explode later after the time freeze and pre-composing stuff, too.  Recreating this technique will require help from the tutorial Vaughn told us about at video co-pilot in visual art resources action essentials folder somewhere on the web.  What a TERRIBLE blog entry this is.  Not helpful, at all.
Choose effects and presets on right side menu, search up CC Pixel Poly.  Drag and drop onto explode comp layer.  Now Doug will explode into triangles!  But this isn't explodey enough, so over at the left Effects Controls panel, change grid spacing to 8 and direction randomness to 100%.  Now he's starting to explode into tinier chunks.

copy Douglas explode layer.  on bottom layer, change grid spacing to 55 to create bigger chunks and change gravity to 1.2
search for roughen edges in effects and presets and drag drop onto lower layer
make the big chunks look red, not grey, by searching up tint effect and drag dropping it onto lower layer.  in tint plug-in, change map black and map white to reds.
still unconvincing, so turn off motion blur
  layer new adjustment layer and apply blur effect to that layer which will effect all layers below.   search up CC force motion blur, drag and drop then turn it off (fx icon in effects control menu) so it doesn't slow down computing power.
back in main composition, we're going to create lightning strike
layer new solid
make sure its 1920 by 1920 comp size
screen goes blue/black
 then under effect choose generate and advanced lightning
zoom out to see red control balls for lightning.  drag until it's over Doug's head and lower balls to his feet
in lightning settings, open core and glow settings
bring up core radius and glow radius to create fat lightning strike
search linear in effects and presets to right, choose linear wipe under transition
in linear wipe settings, bring up transition completion and feather to soften the effect

layer new solid bright blue
eyeball off that new layer
mask around character, then mask feather in the 300s so it looks like a glow is around him
create second mask, smaller and thinner to make it look like another glow is happening

new adjustment layer, search up curves, drag drop onto new adjustment layer and adjust curves to create washed out glow

Now, layer in blood effects from the project menu.  move around until they're in the right places.  Anything moving too slowly can be sped up by going to time menu and choosing time stretch.  less than 100 makes things faster
choose blood splat and move into composition.  its 2D but we want to change it to 3D so I can change direction it's laying on floor.  hit toggle switches/modes at bottom of screen to move into box selector option and click on cube.  rotate until it's in line with floor then choose the selector arrow at upper left of screen.  really, REMEMBER THE SELECTOR ARROW.  If I mask around Doug's feet later, I can make it look like he's standing on the blood.

Add puffy smoke and welding sparks and Douglas is done exploding.  
new layer solid medium grey drag drop drizzle effect (creates water rings)
change mode from normal to overlay and click cube to make 3D
layer- new -solid black, drag and drop in  CC rainfall from effects and presets, change mode from normal to screen

layer-new-adjustment layer effects everything below it
curve effects and presets to heighten the contrast of all the layers
layer- new -solid black
ellipse tool next to pen tool, to create mask that can be adjusted to create cinematic filter
take mask feather up to 500s and transform opacity down

Douglas Bentley Explodes: the Final Cut

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

BSA228,NN asset list, unity 2D asset importation and animation, 23 August, 2016

Assets to make for The Nightmare Nursery
All items made in Maya with textures created in Photoshop or Mudbox
Todd-2D card
Lulu-#D and fully rigged
props and sets
portraits: Todd and Lulu as humans and animals
                Lady Greigh
                animals in clothes
                inventors/scientists x3
Doors:  front inside, kitchen, conservatory, parlour
opening garden
garden bench
topiary x6
topiary face of Lady Greigh
lavender maze
jasmine maze
front door outside with house facade
central hedge corridor
door knocker and two handles
keys to doors and extras
floating Butler bits
Butler's bell
octagon table
octagon front hall
stairs and doorway
mirror with message
climbing vine over conservatory
wild topiary around front door (inside)
wallpapered wall
tiled floor
wind up clock
silver tray
calling cards
small bushes x 20
topiary balls/vines around stairway openings
Curio Box
Lady Greigh's glasses
coat and hall tree

items made in Maya and ready for mudbox/photoshop texturing

2D assets:
set up assets sheet in photoshop 1024x1024 pixels for general delivery
iphone resolution is 326ppi
set up  as 72
choose resolution carefully- things that have a lot of "real estate" on the screen should have higher resolution than small things, like grass.
shapes editor: default rectangle open to get custom shape
don't save as jpg,  because you need the transparency, save as png in 2D assets folder
set as 2D sprite in import settings when you've brought it in.
create a prefab by selecting object in left hierarchy menu, left click and drag and drop it on assets screen.  this makes it a prefab and other versions can be ditched.
animator: where the motion trees are 
animation: where we edit and make animation

assets can come in from anywhere, just need to strategize.
Harmony sprite sheets
Harmony will do some of it for you. Need to couble check in photoshop that all parts of animation are in the right order before taking it into unity

BSA206, Mind Blowing Movies, 23 August, 2016



It was dark, gritty and was a total 180 degree turn from the bright, cheerful superhero movies of the 60s and 70s.  I loved it.  My dad still bitches that Adam West should have gotten a cameo picking his tights up from the dry cleaners.

Toy Story

I loved all the "Golden Age" Disney movies- Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast etc. and I didn't believe that CG could be as good- until I saw this trailer.  Pixar totally blew me away.  It's the story that makes the movie and it doesn't matter how it's made.  It was made really well, though, and the Toy Story movies kept getting better proving that if the story is strong, the sequel is going to be strong, too.

Christopher Nolan is the first director since Alfred Hitchcock whose movies I have all totally loved.  He's so smart.  The reveal at the end of this movie that the man with short term memory hasn't been paranoid, someone HAS been messing with him, but that someone is HIM, was a mind blower.  It's simply made  (there are no "effects") but the story, the editing and the format (progressively going back and back and back in time) are thought provoking.

Doctor Who "The Wedding of River Song"
Great effects and great ideas- this opening sequence is absolutely thrilling.  A clearly modern day London is full of steam trains, hot air balloons and SUVs as public transport in a city where everything in time is happening at once.

I've seen so many movies, I don't know if anything really "blows my mind" anymore.  I loved the new Star Trek Beyond 
anytime they destroy the Enterprise, I get very excited.  This time, bee-like projectile ships tear through the ship, forcing them to dump big parts and then they separate the saucer section, something they could only do in Star Trek the Next Generation!  Much nerd love for that whole sequence.

BSA206, 70s animation, 23 August, 2016

Caroline Leaf
The Street 1976
started with sand animation then moved to create paint on glass animations
Eddie Lteste and Pevo
1958, Pevo created Les Schtroumpfs )The Smurfs) which first appeared as comic strips.
 10 black and white animated smurf shorts for Belgian TV 60s
in 1976 feature-length colour movie called the Smurfs and the magic flute was released
Hanna Barbera released the series in the US in 1983

Bruno Bozzetto
Allegro Non Troppo 1976
focuses on differerent aspect of life

Jeff Keen
The Cartoon Theatre of Dr. Gaze\

Instant Cinema 1972

Watership Down 1978
Martin Rosen
based on a book by Richard Adams
marketed as a family film but is not considered cute and cuddly

Roger Mainwood
Halas & Batchler one of first studios to use CG as early as 1969
short Autobahn 1979 used tried to use computer at London's Imperial College but ended up using traditional animation for many of the scenes

Yoram Gross
Dot and the Kangaroo 1977
used technique of laying animated characters over photographic plates
sold well internationally

Zdenko Gasparovic
Zagreb Film and directed kA Dog's Life in 66, worked for Hanna Barbera in USa and returend to Croatia to make Professor Balthasar

Yuri Norstein
Tale of Tales

intended to make the "Citizen Kane" of animation
multiple techniques used to make the movie

Monday, August 22, 2016

BSA228, workflow simplification, 22 August, 2016

create 2D environment and 3D environment folders in Unity
Adobe Maya extention 2 and Photoshop
make simple pipe shape in maya, assign new material blinn, rename blinn to pipe, edit delete type history
export as objexport when there is no animation to be exported with it, work in FBX export when there is animation to take to unity
 go to windows plug-in manager if no FBX or OBJ to bring in plug-ins
3D characters always come through as FBX
export all, choose OBJ export for an object then put it in Unity 3D environment assets folder
Unity deals in meters and maya deals in centimeters when it comes to scale, so bring them in line by windows- setting/preferences-preferences_settings choose meter instead of centimeter
LOD level of detail
export to unity

for tomorrow:  we're bringing in 2D objects bitmap from photoshop and harmony
Look at game, look at level and make total list of everything that's in the game

Saturday, August 20, 2016

BSA228, reference images, 20 August, 2016

lavender maze
Lady Greigh's topiary face
front hallway wallpaper portraits on the wall
Lulu and Todd side and rear views
Lady Greigh in the newspaper for discoveries
Lady Greigh's glasses (with inset bits from meteorite),
calling cards and tray,
door knocker,
 keys to kitchen, conservatory and parlour,
floor mosaic of rock from the sky landing near Greigh Gardens,
hallway clock,
Curio Box,
bell to summond Butler's ghost
Floating bits to be ghost of the Butler
front door, kitchen door, parlour door, conservatory door
front hall mirror with message
coat stand in the front hallway
frames for portraits