Thursday, October 20, 2016

BSA227, AE to PS and back workflow, 20 October, 2016

Vaughn tried this out last night and showed me an easy way to get the film out of After Effects to Photoshop and back again.

AFter Effects:
composition menu:  add to render queue
lossless- choose photoshop sequence (just above quicktime)

Every frame will be rendered and will have a PSD extension.

In Photoshop
file/scripts/load files into stack (select all)
Edit frames ( will cut out Suvarna and Josh and do all of my processes on them and then...)
file/export/export layers to file (PNG-24)
have transparency ticked and untick Trim layers

Back in After Effects....
import file/ PNG sequence/Force alphabetical order

This is NOT a fast process.  Leave plenty of time for PS to export all the layers.

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