Friday, December 2, 2016

summer research, storytelling, 2 December, 2016

Will Schoder's universal story breakdown video

Dan Harmon, showrunner for "Community" and co-creator? of "Rick and Morty" expanded on Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces" and Will Schoder made this animated guide  to illustrate the mono-myth format of storytelling.

Dan Harmon's universal story breakdown webpage
Dan Harmon expands on the theory of storytelling in his post Story Structure 103 by saying
  1. When you
  2. have a need,
  3. you go somewhere,
  4. search for it,
  5. find it,
  6. take it,
  7. then return
  8. and change things.
5-minute plots lesson 106.  Lesson 105 tells you how to set up a story for TV so it goes on forever and ever and ever.  Depressing, now that I see it, but instructive, nevertheless.


  1. If you are interested in delving deeper into narrative studies Narratology thoery would be good to start looking at. Here is an intro
    and this book is very useful

  2. Thank you, Rachel! I will add that to my reading list.
