Sunday, July 8, 2018

New Blood Web series proposal 2018

Ways to promote your animated web series between episodes:

TVNZ New Blood Web Series Competition Proposal
“Girl and the Imagination Warehouse”
Created by Traci Meek
Logline: Too old to be a child and too young to be an adult, Girl and her imaginary friends find quirky and inventive ways to navigate a world full of change and emotion.
Web series synopsis:  6 x 3-4 minute mix of live-action and animated episodes.  Each episode will follow Girl as she mentally retreats from an upsetting incident into the safe space of her “Imagination Warehouse” to work out the right, fair, and workable solution to her problem with the help of her imaginary friends.  Each friend takes the form of an animal made from junk that uses the offensive/defensive mechanisms of its species that relates to observable human emotional/stress responses.  A tuatara made from discarded silverware aggressively snaps and smiles in equal measure, an armadillo made from a furry beanbag rolls up into a ball, a possum attempts to binge-eat her feelings away, and a rabbit made from computer detritus retreats to the internet whenever things don’t go his way.  Each episode will focus on a dilemma of the day that is relevant to kids and how to solve them without resorting to violence: sharing, accidentally saying the wrong thing, bullying, making and losing friends. 

 Why will people want to watch this show?  There is a strong need in New Zealand for emotional intelligence education starting with school-age children.  According to the Campaign for Action on Family Violence, from 2009 to 2012 an average of 32 men, women, and children were killed each year in NZ as a result of family violence; about half of homicides in NZ are committed by an offender who is identified as family.  The "It's Not OK" campaign successfully brought these issues to light by using Kiwi vernacular and emphasizing "unacceptable behavior" instead of "unacceptable people".  Follow up evaluations of the Campaign found that an opportunity to address kids had been missed.  Through short, fun, and thoughtful episodes that treat children’s concerns respectfully, we hope to produce a New Zealand-born program that will fill a niche in how we as a country think about emotions, react to stress, and problem solve.
“Girl and the Imagination Warehouse” is aimed at the “tween” demographic (8-12 year olds).  Children in this age group are interested and apprehensive in equal measure about growing up and this series focuses on their maturing emotions and interactions with the wider world.  The Colmar Brunton survey commissioned by NZ On Air found that 66% of children used the internet daily and 72% had access to a tablet or mobile phone.  A web series would be the perfect vehicle to reach this group of kids.  It is further hoped that the adults in their lives will also enjoy the show and will watch and talk about it with their kids.  Because a wider family group is expected as viewers, the mix of live-action and animation will bridge the tastes of those groups.  While our intention is to make a difference in the lives of New Zealanders, we want a make a show that touches hearts, moves ideas, and inspires laughs.    

Each episode has two separate emotions combined into one as the element of the episode.  Flustrated (Flustered + frustrated)  Upsyzed (upset + paralyzed)  Madlite (Mad + polite) 

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