Friday, October 2, 2015

BDM127, 2D, WTF monkey?, 2 October

I loaded monkey into a scene and animated him rolling his head around and stretching his arms, like he was yawning.  Then his left arm started flying around the screen like a boomerang.  I don't know why it isn't working.  When I look at monkey on his own and bend all of his limbs, everything is sticking together.  But is it?  I went into the network view of both scenes to look for differences.  The right side of his body is parented up the way I think it's supposed to be parented but the left has each leg part also attached to the composite box.  WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?  And I can't get the corrections layer to work, either.  All of the changes show up BEHIND the canvas.

The corrections layer doesn't work on the top photo.  At the far left, the corrections tab is connected to the composite master board.  In the bottom photo, the corrections tab is not connected to anything and DOES work.  But when I try to disconnect the corrections tab from the comp master board, I get a big red NO symbol and it disappears from my timeline menu.  If I continue setting up my shots, putting my characters into place and doing what animation I can, will it all be for nothing and I'll have to start again?  Or are these easily fixed hiccoughs?

I went back and came up with a solution.  Corrections is just a layer and since I was working with a large playing field, it was showing up well behind the characters.  I created two layers and moved them just in front of Madame and GG.

Still, is it too late to have a blob rolling around inside a grey box as my animation?


  1. Sounds like you are having crazy fun. Will look over the files on Tuesday if you can't figure it out. don't spend too long scratching your head just move on to an easier shot

  2. Yes, indeed! Moving on. I've got a lot of shots where I've gotten to the face step and no further.
