Monday, October 5, 2015

BMA243, Digital Illustration, 5 Eyes, 5 October

5 Eyes illustration done in the style of The Simpsons.  The Kodos and Kang characters are my favorites.  Here 5 of the aliens with eyeball flags of the 5 Eyes spy services float in orbit above earth listening in on all of our communications.

My artist statement from a previous post:
"Our next illustration is based on the 5 Eyes countries (USA, Canada, Australia, UK, NZ) who spy on their own citizens, and everybody else's, and share the info around.  Some say, "People with nothing to hide, hide nothing."  What a load of horseshit:  Privacy is a fundamental human right.  And while I may not currently have anything to hide, that's only because, by the grace of God, I live in a time, culture and country that is supportive of individual freedoms.  Regime change, revolution, religious reformation: I've left a digital trail a mile wide that can be used against me by the wrong government.  The evidence used to try me will certainly include this statement."

These were the two other "sketches for ideas for this project.  5 Kodos and Kang aliens were going to sit behind The Simpsons and take notes on what they were watching on tv.  In the bottom sketch, each of the family members was going to wear a caricature of the national costume of each 5 Eyes nation while they each listened in on a phone, or tin can, to other people's conversations.  I had trouble with this assignment due to copyright issues.  If we were in the US, my use of the aliens would be covered by parody and/or First Amendment speech rights, but NZ doesn't acknowledge parody.  It should be covered by Fair Use educational rights, but it still feels like cheating.  I'm not sure how to do "in the style of" with The Simpsons without it recognizably BEING  The Simpsons.  I'll run this by David tomorrow to make sure that I've got the right balance.

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