Wednesday, February 17, 2016

BSA225, 3D, Gantt Chart and mug tutorial in Maya, 17 February

lists when things are due and what elements are required

This is the example in our BSA225 folder.  the bars can be dragged to change the dates to reflect when the assignment is due and how much time we want to spend on each component.

Proposal needs one page treatment, concept art, storyboards, annotations that list sound, movements, other relevant information.  Research should also be annotated to reflect how it will be used and where it comes from.

We can download Maya, student version, to our home PCs! If the PCs can handle it.  The student license works for 3 years.  Go to their web page and follow links to download/get download code? from makers.

Choose render: legacy if you want to have a view cube in the upper right hand corner so you know where you're at in the scene.

Making a coffee mug tutorial.
In Modeling default, click on polygons tab and select pipe or cylinder icon.  You'll be given the option of setting width and height and thickness of the pipe object.  change sudivisions axis to 14 and subdivisions caps to 9 and sub height to 6
shift select the two faces you want to start and finish the handle.  select bridge, then 3 segments, then blend and the handle will be formed.  I'm getting an upwardly curving handle because I missed a step that makes the two extruded handle nubs angle inwards.  oops.  Happy accident!
in multi component mode, hit big arrow key and then select the top face, hit extrude, activate center blue box for even pulling, drop in the lip, hit extra again to drop straight down from the inside of the lip.

multi cut tool= edge loop tool

Hitting f on the keyboard will focus you on whatever object you've highlighted in green
g on the keyboard repeats the last action

to build on shapes,  select the extrude option from the tool kit or the top icons bar.  hit g to repeat extrusion again and again.  click on blue or red box, not arrow, to make center box light blue.  pull that in and out to make shape uniformly bevel in or out.
So, mug #1 and mug#2 which looks like a factory second.  I can see in the green spider web view(what's it called?) that there is a bulge in the side of the smaller cup where I was trying to extrude the lip and ended up pulling out the whole side of the mug.

For the second mug, I did tiny extrusion on the bottom to make it look like it had been turned.  Because I used to do ceramics, I am inordinately proud of this detail NO ONE would ever see UNLESS the mug was lifted and the bottom turned to the camera.  Which is why storyboarding is important.  It prevents you from wasting time working on extraneous details.

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