Wednesday, February 25, 2015

BMA142, 25 February, Building layers and a big Ball

With the Cintiq tablet, I can draw directly on my digital painting, like I would a physical one.   Today I used a flat Wacom tablet which means I drew on the tablet and looked up at the results on the screen.  I don't find it as precise as the Cintiq, but it's good to learn how to use all the tools that are available.  We used the snip tool to select a portion of the screen to be our background.  This is a very  handy tool!  I chose a selection of paintings by the Norwegian painter Odd Nerdrum.  He blends the swirling darks and lights of Rembrandt with a warm post-apocalyptic landscape.
Then we played with transforming multiple layers and their opacities to create a big, messy image to build on.  When the Wacom tablet is set to "Brush", pressing the Alt key activates the eyedropper tool.  It makes it fast and easy to select colours to paint or draw with.
The beginning of something?  Marco Bucci has a Painting Fundamentals video that we've been watching in class.  I can see the Ball taking shape, but the background isn't doing it any favours.  I need to watch and paint along with the video.

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