Tuesday, July 14, 2015

BDM103 professional practices, Copyright and Parody, 14 July

The class will look at copyright and law, contracts, budgeting
In NZ, if you create something, put your name on it, copyright symbol and date it, copyright has been asserted and you're protected.
How do you get the rights to music for films and issues raised by the internet relating to copyright.
Exam week 11 22nd September 40%
Individual project 5th November 50%
Tutorial Assignments 10%

Copyright- when certain things "expire", copyright falls off and it falls into the public domain.  It's iffy, though, and you have to check to make sure you're not violating copyright.

Happy Birthday song lawsuit
I read about this before class today. The song is one of the most well-known in the world, but you never see it in movies or tv.  That's because Warner Music owns the copyright and takes in 2 million a year in royalties.   A documentarian of the song's history is suing Warner to contest their right to continue charging fees for its use.  She figures it should now be part of the public domain as the melody was written and copyrighted as far back as 120 years ago.  Warner contends that it's copyright stands, in the US, anyway, until 2030 (it expires in Europe in 2016).

Fair Dealing laws in NZ.  FD with copyright materials does not infringe it its for:
research or private study
criticism of review
reporting current events

And then there's parody.  I'm really unclear on this, though.  In the US, you just do it and it's covered by the First Amendment.  I worked on two series of "Wanna-Ben" in Auckland and the first year, each episode had a song parody.  New lyrics were created based on the tune of a hit song and we shot a video to go with it.  The next year, they only shot one.  I was told that they thought they were covered by parody rights but weren't and retroactively had to pay lots and lots and LOTS of money in royalties for using the songs.

Girl at McDees  (audio only)
Ben Explaining NZ parody laws  to Weird Al Yankovich

No class Thursday

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