Thursday, April 21, 2016

BSA203, ProPrac, Animatic work and talk with Deb Wattes, 21 April, 2016

Deb and I met this morning to discuss the project.  Deb has music and lyrics!!! I was working on the tree theme for the animatic yesterday, but now I'm considering going back to the book, like the US tv show "Reading Rainbow".  Each book segment features Levar Burton reading the book aloud while the camera zooms in on different illustrations on the page.  Deb can fine tune the music to hit the beats of the story or emphasize certain details.  I've got some very strong images that relate back to fairytales, myths and other stories:
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Greek myths
Origin stories like Adam and Eve
It would be structured like a children's book with adult themes, an idea that has interested me in the past.  This new approach will also simplify the question of what to do with the doll sculpture: her skirt will open up to show the pages of the book.  There will still be trees, because most fairytales end up in the forest, but I won't have to worry about linking them all with that imagery.  I'll finish fixing the images I like best in photoshop and then I'll cut them apart for animation.  THEN I will be able to see what's missing.  Could be pages with just the lyrics of the song, or new images to fill out the animatic.

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