Monday, April 4, 2016

BSA206, Surrealist film, 4 April

Surrealism began in Europe in the 1920s, and was prominent throughout the arts.  It evolved out of Dada (1916-22) which was a commentary on the stupidity of WWI, a protest against everything, was shocking and anti-art, as well.

Surrealism was founded in 1924 by Andre' Breton, a major member of the Dadaists.  The Surrealist Manifesto in 1924 said: "pure psychic automatism, to express true functioning of thought"

Used shocking and absurd imagery and Freudian dream symbolism.  Filmmakers rejected conventional narrative forms, attempted to distupt narative conventions of time and space, of plot, character and causaltiy and hten mixed them until nothing made sense.  aimed to derange meaning, upset and shock. emphasis is on image rather than word, feeling rather than thought.  The surrealists wanted to liberate western culture fromthe tyranny and represion of reason and reveal true nature of reality.

Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali made a short film with dreamlike sequences that violate conventional narrative schemes.  Bunueal stated the script was sparked by images from their own dreams.
Un Chien Andalou"

Salvador Dali
Luis Bunuel

Un Chien Andalou
common themes: repressed sexual desire and death

Jean Cocteau:  in addition to being a director, a poet, novelist, painter, playwright, set designer, actor.  "When I make a film, it is a sleep in which I am dreaming"

They're trying to uncover the unconscious.  "Blood of a Poet" trailer
Man Ray:  only American to play major role in both Dada and Surrealist movements.

one of Man Ray's famous photographs
Emak Bakia

Spellbound (1945) Alfred Hitchcock
Salvador Dali designed the dream sequences for him
He wanted the publicity of working with Dali and for the  dream sequence to be sharp, like his paintings, and not fuzzy the way dreams were typically portrayed in films.

Destino by Walt Disney and Salvador DAli.  originally commissioned in 1946, but ended due to money issues after 8 months.  years later, the project was rediscovered by Roy Disney and finished in 2003.

Walerian Borowcyzk, using characters from 1962 film "Mr. and Mrs. Kabal's Concert", he made "Mr. and Mrs. Kabal's Theater" in 1967.  Terry Gilliam cites him as an influence.

still from Gilliam's "Brazil"

still of a Gilliam animation for Monty Python's Flying Circus

Jan Svankmajer
Czech surrealist filmmaker "Dimensions of Dialogue" 1982

David Lynch has been heavily influenced by surrealism

still from Lynch's "Fire Walk With Me".  A prequel to "Twin Peaks", he continued to delve into the nightmarish dreamworld of Laura Palmer
The Cell (2000) Directed by Tarsem Singh is full of imagery inspired by surrealist painters such as Odd Nerdrum and H.R. Geiger

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