Tuesday, May 23, 2017

BSA305, 90s animation part 2

Pedro Serrazina (Portugal) Tale of the Cat and the Moon
Black and white animation
Ghost in the Shell (Japan) 1995 Mamoru Oshi
based on Manga comic of the same name, recently released as a live action movie 2017
James the Giant Peach (1996 USA) Henry Selick
Starts out live action and transitions to stop-motion as James crawls into the peach.

Beavis and Butthead (1992) by Mike Judge, who also made King of the Hill

Bill Plympton I Married a Strange Person (1997)
credited as only person who ever drew every single frame of an animated film

William Kentridge made Felix in Exile (1995, South Africa)
made with charcoal and eraser and photographed after each bit rubbed out.

Dave Borthwick (UK) The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb (1995)
Creepy blend of plasticine and human figures

Paul Driessen The End of the World in Four Seasons  (1995)
nonlinear and a multiple narratives, often experimented with split screens and parallel stories
In Spring, you can see things happening and one square and then repeating from another angle or continuing on in another square.  Is there a story here?  Maybe.

Behind the Scenes of how South Park is made doc
In their first season, they used stop motion techniques and filmed craft paper cut outs of their characters.  It was a time consuming process.  As of 2011, each episode is written, filmed, and recorded in 6 days for delivery to Comedy Central on the last day.  They use Cintiqs and the computers are so fast that the production pipeline can move as quickly as they can write.  One of the staff said they once delivered an episode 4 days early but they don't do that anymore- understandable because they'd have the network all over them to make changes.  

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