Tuesday, July 11, 2017

BSA303, TV3 internship, 11-12 july, 2017

Tuesday:  I went in to TV3 today to do some hours with Jamie. He edits, directs, does all sorts for the "Jono and Ben" show. He had me shadow another editor from 10-12. Ben went out to a press junket overseas to film interview segments with Hollywood stars promoting their movies. The film company arranges to have two cameras running (one on the interviewer and one on the actor) and the interviewers get 5 minutes to ask questions then: next! They get their data cards back and off they trot.  An intern editor did the first pass and isolated the sequences that Ben the interviewer wanted featured, then the editor I shadowed pulled out all the pauses and added in clips that supported the actor's anecdotes.  Jamie will do the third pass and will do sound editing and any other refining that needs to be done.  The editor says they bank about 25% of their material ahead of time and the rest is created week to week to fit the topics of the week.    Jamie's directing a sketch tomorrow and asked me if I was available to drive the van.  Having that full licence has paid off.  It's a weird as hybrid van that used to be manual but is now automatic but handles weird, so Max the PA took me out for 15 minutes to get acquainted with it before tomorrow.  There probably won't be parking so they're going to jump out and have me circle the block until they're done.  Lol.  Max took me down to their prop/costume room and some of the costumes I made for Jamie and Ben's other shows were down there- ET, the Miss Piggy puppet, and Swear Jar which I had completely forgotten I made.  hours: 10-12, 1.15-3.15
Wednesday:  Well, I drove the crew from TV3 to the courier depot and then got replaced as driver.  Ha ha!  The screaming must have been on the inside.  Jamie took over the driving which was actually the right call because he had to follow the borrowed courier van driven by Jono and Ben through traffic to locations that I would have needed constant coaching to get to.  It was all very quick: park on a sidewalk, film, jump back in the van and go.  We did this from 7.50 until 1.30.  I did drive the van around the block during one stop but other than that, I just minded the van while they ran out and did their thing.  That's showbiz!  I did get a very nice muffin, hot chocolate, and gourmet cupcake out of the deal, though.  hours: 7.50am -1.30pm

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