Thursday, October 12, 2017

BSA324, Critique 4 and feedback, 12 October, 2017

This title has been changed to "Girl and the Imagination Warehouse": A Practice-Based Examination of the Mechanics of Childhood Imagination and Emotions

 If the title of my show is in the title of the dissertation, do I also need it in my key question?

I played snippets from 3 songs (Goldie, Flash, Today's the Day) and Imagination Warehouse up to the cello.  Lovely feedback from Kevin on the music.  He likes the Kiwi accents and that the music sounds like it's for kids.    

Played new opening animatic with Anna's raw recording of Imagination Warehouse.

 I anticipate using illustrations from this book as posters or other decorative items in the display.  But which ones?
 Feedback: I may not need as many collectibles on display as I think.  Kathryn suggested that I take over Maira's space in addition to the black box cubby with the TV.  Hooray!  I'm going to get back to my making/painting/theatre roots by transforming that space into a part of the Imagination Warehouse.  I've got part of the shelving unit, can make a full-size beanbag, hang some lanterns and fairy lights, paint the walls to look like bricks.  And what else?  The black box will have some merchandise, the slide show with music...  Should I paint that, too, to keep the whole thing cohesive?  The glass will need to be scraped on the inside to take off the black ink paint Maira used to make her piece last year.  It's a shame, because I really like it, but I've got to move my stuff in.  I'll have to paint over it when I'm finished to reset the boxes back to black and white.  Kathryn says there is some money in the budget for things I want to put into that exhibit. 
 The focus between now and 30 October will be on transforming those spaces and dressing them.  I will keep rendering parts of the IW for the slide show but I no longer need to worry about getting a big animated piece through. Or should I say, not before 30 October?  Because once that's up I can go back to refining my promo piece in time for the Flicks and assessment. 
I'm happy that I will have a lot to show for the end of the year and more to continue pushing forward.  I won't have a post-graduation slump where I'm not sure what to do with myself. 

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