Tuesday, June 16, 2015

BMA142: Magazine development, Assignment 1 Travel Poster spread, 16 June

I wasn't happy with the results of the Travel Poster.  I played with stickers again, but finally gave up and went back to the original layout of 3 graphic images filled with text.  It's less cluttered, the text forms a diagonal that runs from the upper left to lower right hand corners, bang into the suitcase swinging from right to left, drawing the eye to the hair and back to the glasses and text.  Though neither  a perfect "Golden Triangle", a compositional form popular in the Renaissance, nor a strict strong diagonal, popular in the Baroque period according to Alvin Thompson, it creates a  stronger image than the original.  I also spent time painting the luggage and texturizing it in Photoshop to bring it into sync with the painting and patterning of the woman's hair.

The layout of the spread was changed from horizontal images and text to vertical rows to contrast with the layout of the preceding and subsequent pages.  I wasn't happy with how much white was in the magazine as a whole and decided to save the pure black and white experience for the "Harmony" pages at the end.  A red box was introduced to back up the text.  I've been experimenting with "breathing space" around the text in each page and this one seemed to require being centered from the middle rather than the left to balance out.

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