Wednesday, September 27, 2017

BSA306, Teenybeans, 27-28 September, 2017

After starting on my presentation, I was able to see what I've done and what still needs to be done for the 3D printing project.  Some of my ambitions, like multiple characters, have been curtailed while I've been able to try different sizes and decorating styles of Jellybean.  Printing without holes is my next goal.  In pursuit of that, I have printed a "teenybean", 50mm high of Jellybean in the first position (hands outstretched).  Very successful!  No holes anywhere.  Before printing, Rachel had a look at the model in Maya and photoshop and all was well.  Or photoshop fixed something. 
Not sure how that's worked out.   Since that model was working well, I went into print2 model and took off the hands, filled the hole, fixed the geometry and imported an print1 to steal the hands.  I positioned them on the belly with fingers more closely together and Rachel ran it through all of the mesh display checks ( average, conform, reverse, set to face, vertex to normal, soften edges) then exported as an obj and an stl.  

 Lookin' good, lookin' happy.
Lookin' weird... this time in photoshop, the texture is all pixely and we don't know why.  I took it to the makerbot software to see what would happen.  I opened the obj and found lots and LOTS of holes, some I've never seen before in that program.  I then opened the stl file and found no holes.  Maybe the problem has always been that I've been printing objs and not stls.
YIKES.  No.  Photoshop really "fixed" this one and it looks like a blob of guano. I won't be exporting this.  All of the detail has disappeared!

That's better.  I looked back through the history and saw that Rachel had gone into 3D print settings.  I put the settings to high and more detail has come back. I have exported that with repairs from photoshop as jbn_tst3.stl.  After Teenybean2 finishes printing, I will print this one to compare differences.  The print time is about 38 minutes so running multiple tests is easy.
Teenybean2 took 1 hour 37 minutes to print, is not the same height (even though I could swear I scaled it up to 50 mm, and has a thicker shell in some areas than others.  I don't get it.
Teenybean 3 took 1 hour 51 minutes to print.  WHY?  And why is yet another sculpt that has been scaled up to 50mm a different size altogether from the first two?  And the details on the hands have disappeared.  Most perplexing.  Thank  God for these tiny tests.

These are screenshots of one test 4 in the makerbot software.  It's helping me previsualise what the print is going to be now that I know it's showing me problems in the sculpt.  I've bagged printing number 4 until I can ask Rachel why geometry is being added (between the shoes and goggles) or smoothed off (eyes and fingers).  I'm doing another test print, this time of #2 and have scaled it up to 95.7mm.  Between 9 and 10cm will fit into the jar downstairs.  Everything looks good according to the previs, very crisp.
I stopped the print at 47% because the crotch didn't print.  I started it again with 2 shells, hope that helps.

The 2nd go at the larger print was successful in the crotch but the ears were terrible!  That was a 6 hour 43 minute print.  What gives.  Rachel had a look over the file again and ran it through photoshop where it's looking good.  Everything also looks crisp on Makerbot.  Printing it again to join the teenybean army that's developing on the shelf next to my computer.  At 90% done, I can see little holes in the sides.  It may be that 2 shells has to be the permanent setting, not 1.  And the speed isn't that much better by setting it at 1.  Will see about those ears.  As Rachel said, I may have to make ears to put onto the sculpt.  I can do that with Sculpy.
Teenybean #4 has some holes that can be filled, probably just by the nail polish, and the ears look good.  Printing on high quality with 2 shells as Kevin and Rachel recommend will also fix that error.
95mm print: somebody logged me off the computer and the print stopped mid-way.  Sigh. The holes are gone, so the 2 shell and larger print is definitely working.  I've got two Jellybean "butts" on the shelf.  Turn them into egg cups?  I don't know.
Success!  The 95.50mm Jellybean with 2 shells on 0.10 wall height? has come out brilliantly: crotch, ears, and hands are all there and it only took 3 hours 42 minutes to do it.  I've put another one on tonight. 

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