Thursday, April 20, 2017

BSA324, No Film School articles, 20 April, 2017

How to Promote your film on Social Media Without Being Annoying

Create a voice
Keep identity consistent across platforms
Stay focused and organized
Post when you have something interesting to post
Uploading videos directly to facebook rather than sharing links to youtube videos will reach more people
You can schedule posts ahead of time with facebook
Tweet as much as you like- but make sure it's interesting
Post as yourself so you can constantly update about what you're doing and followers don't have to migrate from project to project accounts
Youtube: use keywords so people can discover you and create a playlist on your channel for each new project.

10 Lifesaving VFX Tips for Your Indie Film
1. Only use tracking markers when necessary: if the camera doesn't move, you don't need them.  Use them when the background lacks details (blue or green screen or uniform white wall).  But this only applies to tracking the camera move.  If you are tracking a SPECIFIC object (like actor's face), use markers even if camera is locked off.

2. use green markers on green screens to make less clean up work for the VFX team.  A lighter or darker green than the background for those markers means they can be keyed out quickly, like the background.  Use blue for blue screens

3. Successful crowd tiling can save money on extras

4. beware of trying to fix shaky cam in post: stabilization requires a push in with bigger shakes needing tighter pushes.  This means losing part of image and quality.  camera motion can be eliminated but not motion blur in the footage.

5. Keep safety wires behind actors: this keeps clean up shot time to a minimum.  In front of actors means difficult reconstructions to fix face, body, clothing.

6. Beware of strong shadows on a sun-lit green screen.  there are apps that can tell you where the sun will be at any time based on location and date.

7. don't let VFX elements break frame and avoid using extreme wide lenses because there's too much perspective distortion

8. shoot VFX elements at high frame rate

9. Black screens are best when working with semi-transparent elements like fire or water which don't extract well from green screen. also good for splashes, rain, snow and steam.

10. On set reference imagery is invaluable

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