Tuesday, March 14, 2017

BSA324, making a kickstarter video, 14 March, 2017

kickstarter video on makezine.com

10 Amazing Crowdfunding Pitch Videos 2015

A Day in the Life video of Jellybean the Armadillo around Invercargill.  Nothing to do but roam the streets, hang out at Burgerfuel eating the usual, the library, in bed watching nature videos.  You can give him purpose! He wants to star in a kids tv show! People around town (roommate, retailer, kid, WINZ) say, "You need a JOB, Jellybean!"  

Must make mascot costume in order for this to work.

Get the length right

2-5 minutes for a video, no longer.  Analytics (see above) will tell you exactly how long people are watching the video.

Tell a Story

Beginning - how does the world look currently, without your product? What problem does your viewer currently face? For example, let's say you've invented a new take on the travel pillow. You might start your video with footage of travellers struggling desperately to get comfortable on their flight, and have a voiceover that talks about how painful, tiring and stressful long journeys can be as a consequence.
Middle - here, you want to introduce your product. Really sell it's benefits. Talk about how it solves the problem and talk in some detail about the unique selling points that make your product different. Back to our travel pillow example; you could talk about how you've spent 2 years designing this pillow, from a simple sketch, through to a 7th and final version of your prototype. You could show a traveller using your state-of-the-art pillow and how comfortable/restful it's made their journeys. You're essentially offering a glimpse into how the world will look if your campaign is successful, and the product gets off the ground.
End - finally, you should remind the viewer that this can only happen with their support. If the customer is the hero of any modern marketing story, then the backer needs to be the hero of your crowdfunding story. Your job is to articulately and persuasively state the case for your product, painting a very vivid picture of how it will change the world. But the core message has to call out to your audience; it has to say 'without you, none of this happens.' They wield the real power here. So make sure you call out to them and ask them to support you.

 Highlight the development process

development sketches, animations, voice artist's recordings

Show the product

animated sequences?

Show off yourself (with confidence!)

free teleprompter apps can be downloaded for android phones or laptop http://www.cueprompter.com/


Ask for help filming this!

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