Friday, March 10, 2017

BSA324, Funding research, 10 March, 2017

NzonAir funding 2017

Children and Young People NZ on Air

10 Tips 2013
tips and case-studies on how did crowdfunding well.
1. Be the driving force behind your project.   7. Create enticing rewards for donors.  9. Be a ruthless organizer. 

21 tips for sharing your project on the internet 2016
take aways:  research hash tags, see what MST3K did for their campaign, 9. Include cool images and GIFs that show your project in action. Make sure that media is under 5MB so that it's easily shareable. 17. Stream some gameplay or a day from the studio.  21. Use a social media management tool to schedule posts and maintain consistency. 

Running a kick-ass campaign on Kickstarter's ideas about Kickstarter

ZooBeeZoo kid's tv show (animation)
The show is called Zoobeezoo and will have lots of really positive family values like team-work (just like crowd funding really) and teach kids about living life to the full, solving problems together and learning to value the wisdom of older people.
There seems to be a monkey and a green parrot, based on their promo video.  Something to think about- what point of difference does my show have?

Might be a kea, might be a kakapo.
This project was shooting for $4000 but only reached $120 in 2015.

Jono and Ben send Nela to the hot dog eating comp in the USA
successfully funded, and their rewards were good and funny.

Va-jazzle the short movie.  Successfully funded, not for children, but a well-written campaign page to be inspired by.

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